Viewing Webulator/400 Documentation from a Browser

All of the documentation is written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) which will allow you to view it through a Web browser in one of two ways:

Accessing Document Files Directly

Connect to the AS/400 through a network drive and use a web browser which is written to work with Microsoft Windows or OS/2.

Upon installation, the Webulator/400 user guide documentation is located in the directory /WWWServ/WebDocs/Shipped/Pubs/Webulate. Most web browsers have the ability to load and view HTML files directly from a disk. Therefore, if your browser has this ability you can load the files through this means.

The Client Access/400 for Windows 3.1 or Client Access/400 Optimized for OS/2 software packages allows you to connect to the IFS Root file system through a network drive definition. In order to reach the drive necessary you can either connect a drive directly to the /WWWServ/WebDocs/Shipped/Pubs/Webulate directory or you can connect to the ROOT of the IFS file system and work your way through the path (/WWWServ/WebDocs/Shipped/Pubs/Webulate) to reach the documentation.

Since the documentation is an HTML marked up document there are many files which make up the entire documentation. The base document is named usrguide.htm. Access this file to start at the beginning of the document.

Accessing Documentation through Web Server/400 and Commerce Server/400

Once the server is started, the documentation is available through the server. Upon installation, the Webulator/400 user guide documentation is located in the directory /WWWServ/WebDocs/Shipped/Pubs/Webulate. If the server is started with the shipped configuration the documentation can be accessed through the following URLs:

/Shipped/pubs/Webulate/ or /Shipped/pubs/Webulate/usrguide.htm